[["Category: WOOKIEE OR NOOKIE","Question: Decide which of these are sexually transmitted diseases or Star Wars species","Mynock (Star Wars)","Crabs (STD)","Digworm (Star Wars)","Gamorrean (Star Wars)","Gonnorhea (STD)","Chlamydia (STD)","Sullustans (Star Wars)","Candida (STD)","MADE MONEY: Pretty good. You've got enough credits for a pleasure cruise across the Dune Sea.","LOST MONEY: That's pathetic. Better hope you have a good HMO, you don't have enough credits to buy a shot of Penicillin."],["Category: VADER THE BARBARIAN","Question: Pick which catch phrase belongs to Darth Vader or Arnold Schwarzenegger.","`Apology accepted, Captain Needa.` (Vader)","`I'll be back.` (Arnold)","`It is pointless to resist.` (Vader)","`It's not a tumor!` (Arnold)","`Don't fail me again.` (Vader)","`Get your ass to Mars.` (Arnold)","`I find your lack of faith disturbing.` (Vader)","`Give me that, Turbo Man.` (Arnold)","MADE MONEY: (sounding like Vader) Impressive. Most impressive.","LOST MONEY: Hasta la vista, sucker."],["Category: HOLY EXPLODING DEATH STAR, BATMAN!","Question: Determine whether the following are STAR WARS CREATIONS or COMIC BOOK SOUND EFFECTS.","Kaching! (SFX)","Kubaz! (Star Wars)","Kapow! (SFX)","Wampa! (Star Wars)","Splatz! (SFX)","Zuckass! (Star Wars)","Bacta! (Star Wars)","Thunk! (SFX)","MADE MONEY: Kerching! Kerching! Kerching! You're rich!","LOST MONEY: Bing! Bang! Boom! You're broke."],["Category: HELP ME MILES DAVIS, YOU'RE MY ONLY HOPE","Question: Determine which of the following come from the Star Wars soundtrack or a Miles Davis album","Inner City (Star Wars)","Bitches Brew (Miles Davis)","The Walls Converge (Star Wars)","Freddie Freeloader (Miles Davis)","Princess Leia's Theme (Star Wars)","Straight No Chaser (Miles Davis)","Main Title (Star Wars)","Some Day My Prince Will Come (Miles Davis)","MADE MONEY: Very impressive. But it's even harder to decide which pieces of music were more influential.","LOST MONEY: Pretty sad. Miles is probably doing 360's in his grave right now."],["Category: GAMORREANS ARE MEATHEADS TOO","Question: Decide which of the following are Star Wars slams or 70's sitcom put-downs.","You Scruffy-looking Nerfherder! (Star Wars)","Kiss My Grits! (70s)","Laser Brain (Star Wars)","Meathead (70s)","Flea-bitten Furball (Star Wars)","Laugh It Up, Fuzzball (Star Wars)","Sit On It (70s)","Up Your Nose with a Rubber Hose (70s)","MADE MONEY: Hey, now you can finally afford that Jethro Tull 8-track tape you've always wanted. have a nice day!","LOST MONEY: `You don't know Star Wars or television. What do you do with your free time, read books?"],["Category: A LONG TIME AGO IN THE FINAL FRONTIER","Question: Determine which of these come from Star Wars or Star Trek","Dylithium (Star Trek)","Light Speed (Star Wars)","Warp Speed (Star Trek)","Sulu (Star Trek)","Solo (Star Wars)","Kobyashi Maru (Star Trek)","Rancor (Star Wars)","Space Slug (Star Wars)","MADE MONEY: Congratulations. You're a complete geek. ","LOST MONEY: And you call yourself a geek? You should be ashamed of yourself."],["Category: GEORGE'S CREATION OR CHEAP IMITATION","Question: Which of these were Lucasfilm productions or cheap knock-offs?","Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Lucas)","Tales of the Golden Monkey (Imitation)","Howard the Duck (Lucas)","Battle Beyond the Stars (Imitation)","Labyrinth (Lucas)","The Black Hole (Imitation)","Radioland Murders (Lucas)","Talk Radio (Imitation)","MADE MONEY: Well, you're certainly the real thing. You're rakin' in the dough faster than George himself.","LOST MONEY: I can't believe I mistook you for a knowledgeable Star Wars fan. Talk about your cheap imitations. "],["Category: DAGOBAH OR DAGOT","Question: Decide which of the following are from the Star Wars Universe or Battle Star Galactica ","Athena (Battlestar)","Organa (Star Wars)","Centurian (Battlestar)","Correllian (Star Wars)","Parsec (Star Wars)","Centon (Battlestar)","Starbuck (Battlestar)","Darklighter (Star Wars)","MADE MONEY: Man, you ruled over that round the way Lorne Greene ruled over Richard Hatch and Dirk Benedict.","LOST MONEY: You know, you and Dirk Benedict actually have something in common - you shouldn't quit your day job."]]